Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Wulki Farms

Today we drove out to Wulki Farms with one of our friends; the Sheppards. It is a great place to go and tour around. There is a pool side restaurant, tennis and basketball courts, a small golfing range, and different pins for all the exotic African animals. We ate lunch then ventured out to see the different animals. Along the road they have big signs with arrows pointing down different roads where the animals were kept. We visited the ostrich pen first. These birds were quite spunky, as they nipped leaves out of our hands that we pulled off the nearby trees and fed it to them. We guessed that this wasn't their original pen due to the large sign that read "Quails". Later on Lawrence tells us that he really liked seeing the quail. When we told him there was no quail, and it was ostrich that we saw he said, "K guys, there is no difference between an Ostrich and a Quail." We replied, "Well, they are different. But not by any significant thing." Haha! While feeding the 'large quail' we had accidentally entered the territory of an unhappy little bug. The large red ants that lived there also had crawled up onto our feet and bit us like crazy! We were wearing flip flops, and you know how much protection that offers.
The large group of 12 white people hobbled off to see the next animal; the crocodile. Crikey! There were three pens with 2 crocs in each. They were swimming around their 6x6 ft cement home filled with green, gunky water. Yummy. We all felt bad about their living conditions, but decided against our idea of letting them free at the last second.
The pigs were next. They were each in their own little stall, one after another. Some had little piglets with them, maybe 2 weeks old by the looks of it. It was quite an overpowering experience…for my nose at least. (I'm still trying to wash the smell out of my clothes.)
One of the women who worked there, in the pig area, had just closed a pen door and tossed a dead piglet to the side. A few minutes later I walked out with Harrison in my arms. That SAME woman who had touched the dirty, dead piglet, came sauntering over to me jabbering in Liberian-English about how cute Harrison was. I smiled back to be polite and before I knew it she was trying to grab him from me. I held on tight determined not to let my bebe go to this lady who carries around dead pigs. She let go realizing I wasn't giving him up. So she grabbed his hands and his little cheeks saying, "Your white mommy no let go of you!" I held back a few gags and said, "Yup! Now if you'll excuse me. I have to go grab the Hand Sanitizer." That was the day Harrison had his first bath inside of the car with hand sanitizer.
We drove off back to the pool to relax and let the kids swim. Luke had a fun time swimming with Jared, Steven and Jonah, going in and out of the big pool, and the little pool with slides.
All in all it was a very fun, and eventful day to say in the least:)
~Meg and the Fam

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