Friday, July 8, 2011

The Twins

Tonight was a very exciting night for our family! We are the new foster parents of 3 month old Liberian Twins- Hadleigh and Harrison. Their mother passed away three hours after child birth, and her brother (Stephen) is now responsible for their care. He is a wonderful man that has a two year old son, and is expecting another baby early August. The twin's father has four other children to take care of and doesn't want, or have the means to care for them. Having twins is a hardship here in Liberia because of the cost, especially since they are on formula.
Our family happily offered to help by watching them while his wife is going through her last month of pregnancy and birth. They are definitely going to have their hands full already. Another family had them before us, and the Uncle (Stephen) has been really involved in their lives. He visits them frequently, checking up on them, bringing formula and diapers. He wants what is best for the twins, which would be a life in the United States. A family from Texas is sponsoring him in hopes that when adoptions open up in this country, they will come over and get them. So they have been sending money to provide for Hattie and Harrison's food, clothing and diapers.
The twins aren't identical and have very different personalities. Hattie is more mellow and serious and doesn't mind being set down, while Harrison is more loud and likes to be held. He has a huge smile that makes you laugh!
They both talk and talk; jabbering away all throughout the day. They will sometimes wake up at night and you can hear them cooing and making noises. They aren't that fussy and only cry when they are hungry. We absolutely love them, and are going to have such a hard time parting with them. They are so precious and fun to have around.
We decided that Mom and Dad (Kim and John) are going to play the role of 'Grandparents' and let us kids take on the part of the parent. So that means waking up to feed them, changing them and bathing them. We will keep everyone updated on how things go!
~The Goldens~

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