Sunday, May 8, 2011

Our second visit to church

Today we attended church for the second time. Our branch (congregation) is very small; I would guess no more than 40 people were in attendance. Lawrence and MC had fun in primary. They taught the children some new songs and showed them the motions that went along with them. MEG and GG had a different experience. First of all it is difficult to understand the Liberian English. The Liberians cut off their words early and often leave off the "th". Anyway, MEG and GG couldn't understand what was being said in their class and kept asking them to repeat what was said, and everyone would laugh. Then a question was asked about "what would happen to a theft (thief) if he committed a crime?" The teacher called on GG who answered that he would go to jail. Loud laughter followed causing GG and MEG to become more self conscience. A girl named Pinky turned around and said, "yeah, that may be in America, but here we kill them...with poisonous gas" Wow!

We have to take a taxi to church because it is a good distance away. I really prefer to walk as much as possible because of how crazy they drive. Plus they don't have cars large enough to accomodate the 6 of us. Four of us squish together in the back and Luke sits up front with Dad in a compact sedan. By the time we get to church all of us girls hair is frizzy and wind blown (BIG Hair). This is because there is no air-conditioning so the windows in the car have to be rolled down. The Liberians dress in their very best for church. Their clothes are very colorful and beautiful. Feel free to share your comments with us; we love hearing from you.



  1. Lioness hair, I'm sure you fit right into Africa hahahh We Love the Blog, we'll love to see photos one day. We googled photos of Libaria, we have an idea what your living in and the trash along the roads :( How's the bathroom situation, hopefully it's not a hole in the ground hahhaha

    CJ and Papa

  2. Thanks for the updates, we love following your adventures. Tells us more about the members and Church on Sunday. Is there a Temple close to you. Keep safe and we will hope and pray for your new experiences to be educational and testimony building.

    Papa, DAD :-)

  3. Gail H. just told me today about your African excursion..I didnt even know about it! I sat and talked with your husband forever at the dentists office and he didnt even mention it! Maybe he was there getting the kids all checked out before you left??
    I love the story about church,how tough tho to figure out what everyone is saying and THEN to have a totally different response than anyone else in the class- especially when it was the right response as far as they knew! :/ oh well..cant wait to read more and hear about how its all going!!

  4. Great story! I can imagine the looks on their faces "we kill them". If anyone can handle it, they can.
